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Nonprofit organizations make communities more vibrant.   Churches, educational institutions, camps, health care providers, theaters, museums, zoos, libraries, social services agencies, and many more organizations provide flavor to our cities, towns, and neighborhoods.   I believe my life's purpose is to help others who serve others. 

I help faith-based and community non-profit organizations reach full funding.

  • In these challenging economic times, are you struggling to keep your organization fully funded?

  • Are you looking for fundraising ideas for your non profit organizations?

  • Would you like to expand your programs, capacity, or services?

  • Do your board members, staff, and volunteers need training on how to fundraise more effectively?

  • Could you benefit from learning new fundraising strategies and creative ideas?


Do you need a solid, detailed plan to fully fund your budget over the next three years?

If you answered "yes" to any or all of the questions above, I can help.


I work with faith-based and community nonprofits, foundations, and donors, providing nonprofit consulting, and fundraising training.

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Your Greatest impact.


My main focus is consulting with Mississippi-based churches and nonprofits, specializing in:


  • Aiding churches and organizations as they build an internal fundraising framework.

  • Assisting churches and organizations in joining the USDA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) as either a Sponsor or Feediing Site.

  • Helping nonprofits plan, initiate, and implement major capital and/or advancement campaigns.

  • Providing support services that build overall organizational capacity for fundraising success.

Helping You Make The World A Better Place

Fully Fund Your Vision...

My motivation


After several negative experiences working in and with the nonprofit world, I founded Oliver Johnson Consulting on the belief that nonprofit clients deserve:


  • Integrity and honesty from their consulting partners.

  • Personalized “hands on” service.

  • Consultants who are accessible and easy to work with.

  • Attention to detail.

  • Partners that will put the client’s best interest ahead of the consulting firm’s bottom line.


Oliver William Johnson III

Professional Consultant


My service is rooted on the Scripture passage 1Timothy 6:17-19 which talks about stewardship in the Kingdom of God.  What I offer is helping churches and nonprofit clients learn what is needed in financial development and sustainability, just as Paul taught Timothy to teach the elders at Ephesus.


Oliver Johnson


At the heart of every successful nonprofit there is a dedicated corp of friends, supporters and volunteers who donate time, talent, and treasure to the organization, maintaining its operations so it can do good for the community.


Oliver Johnson





Of course, keeping these organizations functioning effectively also takes substantial resources, and an organized plan for securing those resources is essential.


Oliver Johnson

My Values

  • God is the owner of all things, and I am a steward of what God has entrusted to my care.

  • I seek to grow ministries rather than just conduct campaigns.

  • I promote integrated stewardship and marketing via online-based collaboration rather than just focusing on fund raising strategies.

  • Stewardship is the foundation of financial development.

  • I adhere to the highest ethical standards, both with regard to my time, talent, and treasures; and that of our clients.

  • Mutual trust is the basis of my work.


Oliver Johnson

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